I'm so glad to be one of the first people to write a review for this :D
This game is fun. INSANE fun. I played for about one hour but I got wrist cramp because, I'm lame. Anyway, some things I noted that other people have commented on.
When you click on the map button, there's no way to get out of it except by pressing (As you said yourself below) the esc or M key. That breaks immersion, I doubt it'd be hard to make a little clickable X button at the top right, or make it so if you click on the map it disappears.
Boss music. It's okay (The entire musical score is wanting to be a little bit quieter and more BGish, though it's really not bad at all) but my issue mostly is with the awkward transitioning. You need to either add a fade-in before the boss, or make the fade-in, if it's there, slower. It's like laadeedeedBAWMBAWMBAWMBEEDLEYBEWWW and startled me slightly. I was like... WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!
Also, did you seriously make the big portion of this in only 48 hours? Where can I find the original?